Growing Aspirations to reach Potential

Understanding Trauma and its effects


The impact of trauma upon individuals has been researched all over the world.  There is research that suggests this impact can create a biological change in development of the brain and body, which can start to help us understand how the effects of trauma can be significant and change the way in which our brains work and respond to certain situations.

The research and literature on this topic is vast. Here, we have tried to include some links to websites and research for you that may help you to begin to start your journey on understanding the impact of trauma.



Gabor Mate.png


Please click on the links and read through at your leisure.


Working definition of trauma-informed practice - GOV.UK (

Trauma Informed Schools UK

Home (

Restoring dignity in children and young people who have experienced relational trauma and losses. - Touchbase

Home | Trauma Informed Education - 3 Organisations... One Pathway

Trauma - Dr. Gabor Maté (

What is meant by PACE? - DDP Network

The Neurosequential Network | neurodevelopment


You will also see a clip. This will change every 6-8 weeks, so keep a look out for the next one!

This is the first clip – ‘Growing an emotional brain’ by Dr Graham Music


Cheshire West and Chester Virtual School Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford, CW7 1AU
Claire Bradley | Senior Business Support Officer 01244 976172